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Lektor Comments

Updated by Tyrel on 2021-12-03


Adding a comments section might encourage user interaction

How to add disqus comments

Official Guide: https://www.getlektor.com/docs/guides/disqus/

  1. Create disqus account and site @ https://disqus.com/admin/create/
    • Take note of your sites "shortname"
  2. Add Plugin lektor plugins add disqus-comments
  3. Create configs directory in main project base location
  4. Create disqus-comments.ini file in configs directory
  5. Put shortname = tyrel-cloud in your disqus-comments.ini file
    • obviously replace "tyrel-cloud" with whatever your site shortname is...
  6. Add <div class="comments">{{ render_disqus_comments() }}</div> to your Jinja templates where ever you want comments

And Your Done! Pretty Simple Right!? Still took me a while...

Apparently there might be another method documented HERE that loads on demand and speeds up page load times

Feel like I missed something? Let me know in the comments!